Farewell for Ayaka and Welcome for Kotaro
We enjoyed a party for farewell for Ayaka and welcome for Kotaro, in a Mookata restaurant.
Kotaro Has Joined Our Group
Mr. Kotaro Ochiai has joined our group as a visiting student.
The Rapid Synthesis of π-Extended Azacorannulenes
S. Ito*
J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn.(有機合成化学協会誌) 2019, 77, 1128–1135.
Prof. Ito received the ACP Lectureship Award (Japan) in ICCEOCA-14
Prof. Ito received the ACP Lectureship Award (Japan) in ICCEOCA-14
機能性高分子の合成法とヘテロ元素含有多環芳香族分子群の開拓 ―化学者からのメッセージ―
S. Ito,
Chem. Edu.(化学と教育) 2019, 67, 408–409.
Welcome Party for Fiona and Ayaka
We enjoyed a welcome party for Fiona and Ayaka in a Chinese restaurant and a Durian shop!
Ayaka Has Joined Our Group
Ms. Ayaka Yubuta has joined our group as a short-term visiting researcher.
Welcome Fiona, New Graduate Student
Glad to welcome Ms. Fiona Hanindita joining our group as a graduate student.
Stepwise Reduction of Azapentabenzocorannulene
Z. Zhou, Z. Wei, Y. Tokimaru, S. Ito,* K. Nozaki,* M. A. Petrukhina*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 12107-12111.
Nanyang-SNIC Chemistry Distinguished Lecture by Professor Xinliang Feng
Professor Xinliang Feng (Technische Universität Dresden) visited NTU as Distinguished Lecturer and gave a lecture on the synthesis of π-conjugated carbon materials.